Couples Sessions

Show me your wild side

Reconnect to your partner and your wild side.

Photos have an artistic power to make us feel like ourselves, to truly bring out the unique and special parts of us that we want to be seen. In a world that focuses on the shallow and fleeting ideals of the material space we live in, there is a deeper part of us that really knows who we are. And you know what? I want to really see you, to deeply capture that

couples adventure sessions

Let's eat pizza and explore a National park, or make a beach fire on the coast with some cocktails, or even curl up in your own living room. Adventure sessions are set up so we can go explore together and along the way take some awesome pictures. When you are in an environment that makes you comfortable the photos that you can get are effortless. If you have a location that speaks to your heart we can do that or if you would like suggestions from me we can sit down and chat about what sorts of things you like to do together.

Travel Fees due apply for sessions more than two hours away from zip code 34952